Friday, October 5, 2012


I don't like myself...
Hate myself for being too straightforward...
Hate myself for being unintelligent...
Hate who I am at this moment...

I can't control myself,
I show my emotion on my face,
I express all the thought in my heart and my mind,
I just want to be honest because I really don't mean it when I say something good or bad....

My friend said I'm stereotype on someone,
but what I just want to share what I saw and what I felt,
I don't mean to talk bad about that person...
I just said what kind of reaction that person gave me,
or how that person treated me...
It's just my feeling...

Every time I spoke out, I don't even meant it,
but my friend said i'm stereotype....
Sometimes, I don't even say anything, 
whenever my friend heard that person name,
my friend will automatically pointed me and said I'm stereotype that person...
I think my friend is stereotyping me...
Felt innocent, but what can I do?

Human beings are so complicated...
They simply judge people using their own mind thought,
but they din't realized... 

They can tell you confidently,
'I really don't like that person, don't like the way he or she talk, don't like their attitude..."
They will never feel that they are stereotype people...

But when this kind of statement comes out from other's mouth,
they will said you are so bad or stereotype people...
I don't understand...

Don't tell me you really can good to everyone sincerely,
you just keep all the bad thoughts,
this doesn't mean you are educated,
you are just too fake to be a human...

I express my feeling,
just because I don't want to keep it inside my heart,
because this really will make me stereotype on that person...

I am who I am, 
don't think that you are very good just because you don't gossip... 

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